PS. Maintenance Delays

PS. Maintenance Delays

Maintenance delays, listed in the Maintenance Delays step, are delays which are applied to individual pieces of equipment. Delays can be created manually for each piece of equipment or be imported from Excel.

To add maintenance delays:

  1. Select a piece of equipment from the Equipment list.

  2. In the Delays panel, press the blue plus icon.

  3. Choose a delay from the dropdown list.

  4. Configure the delay as described in the Delays Configuration in the Configure dialog table of the previous section.

Delays Configuration in the Configure dialog

To import delays from Excel:

  1. Select the Import from Excel button from the toolbar.

  2. Add a new source by pressing the blue plus button.

  3. Select the Paste from Excel button.

    1. Message appears: “The data copied needs to be in three or four columns: Equipment name in the first column, the start date in the second column, and end date in the third; optionally, with Delay Type in the fourth column.”

  4. Change the Delay Type, if required.

  5. Set whether or not the delay will be used.

Import from Excel button and Import Maintenance Schedule dialog

Equipment which has maintenance delays applied will appear blue in the equipment list.

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