TS. Block Hacking

TS. Block Hacking


The Drilling Block Hacking and Mining Block Hacking steps are only visible if in Configuration Options step option Allow Reserves Hacking has been enabled.

The Block Hacking steps allow the user to select one or more blocks and manually override the database values. This feature is directed at short term planners where direct inputs from geology and/or survey have not made it to the block model. 

Drilling Block Hacking and Mining Block Hacking steps overview


Note, this is directly editing the reserves values that Tactical Scheduler will then use for Scheduling process. This should be used with care!

Available Fields and Parcels

Drilling and Mining fields and Parcels listed in the Drilling Block Hacking and Mining Block Hacking steps are added and can be changed in the Data Fields block of setup tasks. More details see in the table below:


Drilling Block Hacking

Mining Block Hacking


Drilling Block Hacking

Mining Block Hacking


Drill Hole Types setup step

Rapid Reserver > Block Model setup step

Known Mining Parcels setup step


Drilling Fields setup step

Mining Fields setup step

Overriding database values

  1. Press Choose Records button.

  2. Tick from the tree all the records you need to override.

Note that you cannot select more than 100 records. Otherwise you’ll get an Error Message: “Too Many Records Selected”.

3. Press OK to confirm selection and return to the main page to edit data.

4. Click on the field required and type values you need to set.

5. Make sure you don't override correct values with wrong ones and proceed to the next step. Overwritten data will be displayed in black.

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