HI. Trolley Assist
Trolley assisted haulage involves feeding power to haul trucks from overhead lines.
Trolley assist performance is defined by a separate Trolley Assist Rimpull curve in the Trucks > Model step.
Segments have a trolley property which can be toggled on or off for haul calculations.
To enable trolley assist:
Open SampleModelWithNodes from the samples folder.
Go Setup > Models > CAT785D.
Go to the Rimpull graph and press Copy to Clipboard.
Go to the Trolley Assist Rimpull and add a new data set by pressing blue plus sign icon, toggle it as active and click Paste from Excel.
5. Go to the Network tab and select some segments on the pit ramp.
6. In the Properties tab, tick the TrolleyAssist option.
The trolley assisted segments should now appear in green.
When the CAT785 travels over the trolley assisted segments, it will switch from its regular rimpull curve to the trolley assisted rimpull curve.
The trolley force must be enough to drive the truck up the ramp. As a rule of thumb, it should be comparable to the engine-driven force.