SC. Bench Templates

SC. Bench Templates

Bench Templates store incremental heights, which are then used to divide regions into horizontal layers. The conformance per layer (bench) can then be reported against. Multiple templates can be created, with templates being able to be applied to different regions in the Polygon Options step. The steps to creating a standard and mixed height Bench Template are outlined below.

If conformance by bench is not required, the items in this step can be left blank.

10m Bench Template → 800-810 region highlighted

Standard Template

  1. Press the blue plus icon to add a new bench template.

    1. Select “By Height” to set a template based on increment height.

    2. Select “By Surfaces” to specify a layer to be applied for the template creation.

  2. Rename the bench template to something meaningful, i.e. “10m”.

  3. In the Benches panel, change the height value to the desired height.

  4. In the Result panel, the height increments will be shown.

  5. Turn on relevant surfaces from the Layers panel. When iterating through the height increments, the region that falls within the currently selected increment will be highlighted.

Mixed-height Template

A mixed-height template allows for the height increments to be different values. This transition in height occurs at a defined RL.

  1. Press the blue plus icon to add a new bench template.

    1. Select “By Height” to set a template based on increment height.

    2. Select “By Surfaces” to specify a layer to be applied for the template creation.

  2. Rename the bench template to something meaningful, i.e. "10_5m".

  3. In the Benches panel, press Add to Bottom.

  4. Set the transition RL for the heights change, i.e. “800".

  5. Set the heights below and above the transition RL.

  6. In the Result panel, the height increments will be shown.

  7. Turn on relevant surfaces from the Layers panel. When iterating through the height increments, the region that falls within the currently selected increment will be highlighted.

Mixed height template → 5m above 800RL, 10m below

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