HI. Import and Export of Joins

HI. Import and Export of Joins

To prevent offsetting or loss of assigned joins with the haul network (that may occur when re-importing updated blocks), you can export the preassigned joins from the project and re-import them back after you make changes in the scheduler.

For this purpose, use Import/Export Joins button located in the top right corner of the Blocks panel.

Network tab > Blocks panel > Import Joins/Export Joins button

To export Joins:

  1. Go to the Network tab.

  2. Open the Blocks tab (at the left bottom).

  3. Locate Import/Export Joins button, as shown below.

  4. Select “Export Joints” option.

  5. In the Save As window specify a relevant path.

  6. Block Joins File will be saved in “.blockJoins” format.

Export assigned joins

To import Joins:

  1. Go to the Network tab.

  2. Open the Blocks tab (at the left bottom).

  3. Locate Import/Export Joins button, as shown below.

  4. Select “Import Joints” option.

  5. In the Open window select relevant Block Joins File in “.blockJoins” format and press OK.

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