PS. Properties Panel

PS. Properties Panel

The properties of a task bar may be inspected by clicking on the bar - it activates the Properties panel in the bottom right of the application.

Gantt task bar properties

Note that the fields displayed in the Properties panel change depending on items selected in the Toolbox panel.

Main items of the Properties panel for different activities are described below.

Properties panel for the Sequence option




Use the name field to clearly label the task bar on the Gantt. Properly chosen name:

  • makes it easier for customers to read the plan,

  • makes it easier for cross-shifts to interpret the purpose of the instruction.


Here - Sequence, cannot be edited.

Start / End

These fields contain the timestamps for starting and ending the task bar.

Task bar times can be changed by dragging/resizing the bar in the Gantt, or by picking a time from the dropdowns in the Properties panel.


Optionally leave a note on the task bar.


Optionally set the colour of the task bar active state.


Duration (min)

Duration (h)

Duration (d)

These fields contain the duration of the task bar. Each field is the same duration, but in different units.

Task bar durations can be changed by resizing the bar in the Gantt, or by entering a duration in the Duration field.


When this property is checked, then the digger can skip ahead in the sequence if the next block hasn’t been drilled and blasted yet, then come back and mine it later.

Uncheck this property to force an exact order on the mining sequence.

When this property is checked, the agent does not drop down to the next track, even if that means it sits idle.

Uncheck this property to allow waterfall transitions between tracks.

When this property is checked, the agent finishes the current (dig or blast) block before dropping down to the lower track, even if that means mining past the End time of the bar.

Uncheck this property to allow waterfall transitions between tracks.

When this property is checked, the agent finishes the current (dig or blast) block before popping up to the higher track, even if that means mining past the End time of the bar.

Uncheck this property to enforce a priority track change.


When this property is checked, top-track bars override all settings on lower-track bars.

Time Filters may be used to create day-shift-only sequences. During the night shift, the agent will drop down to the second track and execute the night-shift sequence.

Max Agent Rates may be used to limit the dig rate for a specified set of tasks. For example, mining out a boggy bench.

Tasks List

  • In a Sequence task bar, the Blasts list contains the sequence of blocks to be mined/drilled.

  • You can delete and move up/down selected sequences by pressing red cross and blue arrows buttons from the toolbar above.

  • To add a sequence to this list, right-click on the task bar in the Gantt chart and select the “Edit Sequence” option from the dropdown.

  • The Sequence Painter window will open, where you can manually mark the necessary blocks in the viewport or select them from the levels tree. The selected blocks will be removed from the Reserves view and added to the Sequence Blocks list on the left.

  • To deselect a block, remove it from the Sequence Blocks list on the left.

  • Click OK to finish and make changes to the Tasks list in the Properties panel.

  • You can view the dependencies for a sequence by right-clicking on it and choosing “Show Dependencies” from the dropdown. The Dependencies dialog box for the selected item opens, showing Successor, Predecessor, and Origin. Available, Not available and Satisfied sequences are shown in different colors.

Properties panel for the Delay Sequence option

The Delay Sequence allows to insert delays directly between blocks chosen in the block picker. Users can configure the delays in the XXX found in the Sequence Painter UI or the Properties panel of the selected sequence.




Use the name field to clearly label the task bar on the Gantt. Properly chosen name:

  • makes it easier for customers to read the plan,

  • makes it easier for cross-shifts to interpret the purpose of the instruction.


Here - Sequence, cannot be edited.

Start / End

These fields contain the timestamps for starting and ending the task bar.


Optionally leave a note on the task bar.


Optionally set the colour of the task bar active state.


Duration (min)

Duration (h)

Duration (d)

These fields contain the duration of the task bar. Each field is the same duration, but in different units.



When this property is checked, top-track bars override all settings on lower-track bars.

Time Filters may be used to create day-shift-only sequences. During the night shift, the agent will drop down to the second track and execute the night-shift sequence.

Max Agent Rates may be used to limit the dig rate for a specified set of tasks. For example, mining out a boggy bench.


Tasks List

  • In a Sequence task bar, the Blasts list contains the sequence of blocks to be mined/drilled.

  • You can delete and move up/down selected sequences by pressing red cross and blue arrows buttons from the toolbar above.

  • To add a sequence to this list, right-click on the task bar in the Gantt chart and select the “Edit Sequence” option from the dropdown.

  • The Sequence Painter window will open, where you can manually mark the necessary blocks in the viewport or select them from the levels tree. The selected blocks will be removed from the Reserves view and added to the Sequence Blocks list on the left.

  • To deselect a block, remove it from the Sequence Blocks list on the left.

  • Click OK to finish and make changes to the Tasks list in the Properties panel.

  • You can view the dependencies for a sequence by right-clicking on it and choosing “Show Dependencies” from the dropdown. The Dependencies dialog box for the selected item opens, showing Successor, Predecessor, and Origin. Available, Not available and Satisfied sequences are shown in different colors.

Delay settings

  • Add Enter and Leaving points for Delay Sequence by pressing first two toolbar buttons.

  • Select applicable delay sequence type from the Delay Type dropdown, such as “none“, “Do Nothing“, “No Trucks“, “Shutdown“, “Weekly Inspection“, “Service“, “Tram“, “Crib Break“, “Shift Change“, “Fly in Day“, “Safety Meeting“, “Day Shift Only“. Different delays are shown by different colors.

  • Set required delay length in hours either in the Delay Length (h) field at the bottom, or in the field on the right.

Properties panel for the Stockpile option




Use the name field to clearly label the task bar on the Gantt. Properly chosen name:

  • makes it easier for customers to read the plan,

  • makes it easier for cross-shifts to interpret the purpose of the instruction.


Here - Stockpile, cannot be edited.

Start / End

These fields contain the timestamps for starting and ending the task bar.


Optionally leave a note on the task bar.


Optionally set the colour of the task bar active state.


Duration (min)

Duration (h)

Duration (d)

These fields contain the duration of the task bar. Each field is the same duration, but in different units.



When this property is checked, top-track bars override all settings on lower-track bars.

Time Filters may be used to create day-shift-only sequences. During the night shift, the agent will drop down to the second track and execute the night-shift sequence.

Max Agent Rates may be used to limit the dig rate for a specified set of tasks. For example, mining out a boggy bench.

The lower part of the Properties tab is used to work with the added stockpile data.

  • In the Parcel field you can choose material parcels to display. Default is <All items>.

  • Select the preferred destination from the Preferred Destination field dropdown.

  • Review the stockpiles list and their priorities.

Properties panel for the Follow option




Use the name field to clearly label the task bar on the Gantt. Properly chosen name:

  • makes it easier for customers to read the plan,

  • makes it easier for cross-shifts to interpret the purpose of the instruction.


Here - Follow, cannot be edited.

Start / End

These fields contain the timestamps for starting and ending the task bar.


Optionally leave a note on the task bar.


Colour of the task bar active state.


Duration (min)

Duration (h)

Duration (d)

These fields contain the duration of the task bar. Each field is the same duration, but in different units.


Select from the dropdown options:

  • Inherit: to inherit sequence of the parent excavator or drill sequence

  • Enabled: to enable this sequence priority, the sign will be displayed on a task bar

  • Disabled: to disable the option priority

Select from the dropdown options:

  • Inherit: to inherit sequence of the parent excavator or drill sequence

  • Enabled: to enable this sequence priority, the sign will be displayed on a task bar

  • Disabled: to disable the option priority

Select from the dropdown options:

  • Inherit: to inherit sequence of the parent excavator or drill sequence

  • Enabled: to enable this sequence priority, the sign will be displayed on a task bar

  • Disabled: to disable the option priority

Select from the dropdown options:

  • Inherit: to inherit sequence of the parent excavator or drill sequence

  • Enabled: to enable this sequence priority, the sign will be displayed on a task bar

  • Disabled: to disable the option priority


When this property is checked, top-track bars override all settings on lower-track bars.

Time Filters may be used to create day-shift-only sequences. During the night shift, the agent will drop down to the second track and execute the night-shift sequence.

Max Agent Rates may be used to limit the dig rate for a specified set of tasks. For example, mining out a boggy bench.

Properties panel for the Delay option




Name of the Delay. Set when dragging an item from the Toolbox panel to the Canvas and cannot be edited here.


Here - Delay, cannot be edited.

Start / End

These fields contain the timestamps for starting and ending the task bar.


Optionally leave a note on the task bar.


Colour of the task bar active state.


Duration (min)

Duration (h)

Duration (d)

These fields contain the duration of the task bar. Each field is the same duration, but in different units.


Delay Type


Select applicable delay type. Update type of the delay in Gantt or leave it like it is. Delay types available: “Do Nothing“, “No Trucks“, “Shutdown“, “Weekly Inspection“, “Service“, “Tram“, “Crib Break“, “Shift Change“, “Fly in Day“, “Safety Meeting“, “Day Shift Only“.

Location of the delay. You can clear previously set location or select a new one. When choosing “Set Location” from the dropdown the Database View window will appear, where you can select required blocks from the tree on the left or by manually selecting them from reserves.

When this property is checked, top-track bars override all settings on lower-track bars.

If ticked, the sign will be displayed on a task bar and then any agent following this agent will also follow this delay.

Properties panel for the Blast option




Use the name field to clearly label the task bar on the Gantt. Properly chosen name:

  • makes it easier for customers to read the plan,

  • makes it easier for cross-shifts to interpret the purpose of the instruction.


Here - Blast, cannot be edited.

Start / End

These fields contain the timestamps for starting and ending the blast/blast window task bar.


Optionally leave a note on the task bar.


Colour of the task bar active state.


Duration (min)

Duration (h)

Duration (d)

These fields contain the duration of the task bar. Each field is the same duration, but in different units.



If ticked - automatic blasting at set intervals will be allowed