PS. Schedule Error Messages

PS. Schedule Error Messages

Below listed common warnings and ways to resolve them.

No Trucks Assigned

“A destination rule (…) applied to agent (…) for (…), but no more trucks are available”.

This message indicates that no trucks hours are available to be assigned to agent.

Validate trucks are assigned to Agent in the Calendar tab > Truck Assignments field and in the Calendar tab> Agents field > Truck Assignments rows (it shouldn’t be zero).

No Trucks Assigned trace message example for period 13

Destination Fault

A destination rule (…) applied to agent (…) for (…). Possible destinations found: […]. If some destination options are missing, the parcel may not be allowed to go to them or they may be full. Ultimately the optimisation chose to send nothing to the possible destinations due to your cash flows, constraints, and targets.

This message indicates that a parcel cannot be sent to any destinations, as they are full or missing. Check Destination Rules and Parcel Subsets for correct destinations configuration. Otherwise check cash flows in the Flow Optimisation step or other constraints and targets.

Destination fault trace message example

Invalid Forced Destination

“A forced destination was specified, but there was no associated destination rule”.

This message indicates that the user applied a forced destination in the Animation tab > JIT Destinations panel, but that destination was not listed in the relevant destination rule. This can be fixed by appending the forced destination to the destination list in Setup tab > Destination Rules step.

Blasting Constraint

“An active blast within (…m) prevented agent (…) from accessing (…)”.

This message indicates that the agent stopped due to the active blast. Review your blasts and blasts windows locations and run the schedule.

Proximity Constraint

“A proximity constraint (…) applied to agent (…) prevented access to (…)”.

This message indicates that an agent shut down due to proximity to another agent. These thresholds can be changed in Setup tab > Logic > Agent Proximities step.

No Path Found

“Schedule Interrupted: No cycle time was returned from Haul Infinity. The reason is NoRouteAvailable”.

This message indicates that Haul Infinity could not connect the source to its destination. To resolve the issue, open the Haul Infinity tab and query a haul with the same source, destination, truck, loader and material.

  • Haul Infinity > Network tab > query the haul and check the path exists.

  • Haul Infinity > Network tab > Error List > check for steep segments. 

Steep Segment

“Alastri.TransitTemporality.InvalidSegmentException: Truck cannot safely traverse segment - the retarder does not have enough force to slow the truck on the slope”.

This message indicates that the route in Haul Infinity crosses a road that is too steep for the truck. To resolve the issue, open the Haul Infinity tab and fix all network errors in the Error List.

Optimisation Failure

“The optimisation chose to send nothing to the possible destinations”.

“A destination rule (…) applied to agent (…) for (…). Possible destination found: […]. If some destination options are missing, the parcel may not be allowed to go to them or they may be full. Ultimately the optimisation chose to send nothing to the possible destinations due to your cash flows, constraints, and targets”.

This message indicates that a digger shuts down on ore, because the optimisation returned a negative cash flow for the available destinations.

The optimiser can be thought of as a mining contractor. It prioritises high-revenue movement, and it won’t work for negative cash flows.


Optimisation failed trace message example

Unavailable destinations

“All possible destinations in rule (…) were unavailable for (…) for (…)”.

Check settings in Setup tab > Logic > Destination Rules step.