UI. Toolbar

UI. Toolbar

In the setup steps and scheduling tabs, where you work with 3D blocks of Reserve and Dump, haulage network and animated calendar, above the viewport there is a toolbar. Depending on the functionality, it can be either small, containing mainly only navigation buttons, or extended with additional more complex planning tools.

Navigation Elements

See below a description of the main navigation elements found in all of Alastri's applications. Use these tools to see and interact with the 3D design area.

Navigation and measurement buttons

Mouse Controls


Left click and drag


Middle click and drag


Right click and drag


Scroll wheel

Zoom to All


Left click to Zoom to all

Vertical Exaggeration


<CTRL> + Scroll wheel


Plan View

Click on the axis cones to snap to orthogonal views

Zoom Extents

Click on the grey cube icon to zoom to extents

Night Mode

Click on the sun icon to toggle night mode, and back

In Haul Infinity, the compass icon is different than used in other apps, but performs the same functions.

  • Click on the sides of the compass cube to quickly change to Right, Left, Front, Back, and Bottom views.

  • You can also use the N (north), S (south), W (west), and E (east) symbols to change the view.




Display a grid in the viewport.

Note that the grid is only displayed in the top view. If the grid is not displayed, then you are working in a different plane. Press the "Z" icon on the compass to return to the top view.



Draw a measurable distance in the viewport


Scaling shown at a bottom of a viewport


Most control panels also include a screenshot button used to save the viewport capture in a suitable resolution for later reference in reports or presentations.

  1. Open the resolutions options list by clicking on the screenshot button dropdown in the top toolbar.

  2. Select an appropriate resolution (this action copies the image to the clipboard).

  3. Paste the image in another document.

Note that in Haul Infinity, the screenshot feature is also present and serves the same purpose, but represented by a different icon, as shown below.

Visibility Mode and Labels buttons

Some toolbars (in Production Scheduler and Tactical Scheduler) also have Visibility Mode and Labels buttons.

The Visibility Mode button is used to select the components to be displayed in the viewport. From its dropdown list you can choose:

  • “View Selected” - only selected components will be shown in the viewport. It is used to facilitate viewing..

  • "View All" - all objects will be displayed in the viewport. Used for overall view of all mine components.

The Label Display button (may be named Labels or Label Display in different applications, or be represented simply by an eye icon) is used to show or hide labels. In most applications, this button is accompanied by a custom label setting function (the gear icon). For more details, see here.