Open current model in SC 1.1.100.
Export block model Fields and Mappings from original model
Go to Reserves Configuration and click on save icon.
Export blockmodel fields from the first blockmodel in the list. This will save to an “.abmf” file.
For each block model do the same for Export Mappings. creating an “.abmm” file for each blockmodel.
Come out of Reserves Configuration by clicking the Cancel button.
Export surfaces (optional)
If you don't have the original surface files or created the surfaces using surface lab export the required surfaces from the layer panel on the conformance tab.
Export Polygons.
Select and export each polygon to “.dxf”, “.str”, or “.arch_d”.
Export Conformance Domains.
Click on the configure icon in the Conformance Domains section.
Export Domain Mapping by clicking on Save icon.
This creates a .ctpdmf file
Close the current model and open SC 2.0 and select File > New.
Working your way through the Setup tab.
In Settings panel.
Toggle flag for "Use Block Model".
Click on Play icon to confirm and proceed.
In Block Model section click on New.
Click on Add icon under Block Models to import each .bintab/.bmf/.csv into new .resmodel file.
Import field mapping .abmf file by clicking on folder icon in icon bar.
Now import each block model's “.abmm: file. Make sure have the correct block model active when select the corresponding file.
Once you have imported all the block models and the corresponding "abmm" parcel mapping file. Click on the Generate button and save the “.resmodel” file.
Click the play button and in the Bench Templates Setup task:
Create the bench templates according to what your bench heights are for the pit areas to be reported.
In the Layers panel on the bench template tab you can import the surfaces for later use.
Click the play button to proceed to Domain Mappings.
Click on the folder icon and import your domain mapping file.
Click the play button and proceed to Polygons.
Click on the Add and as each mine area corresponding to each polygon be calculated
Fill out the options section. You can drag and drop from the layer panel into the "Production surfaces" and "Schedule surfaces" sections.
Once you have created a Polygon definition for each reporting area (defined by a polygon) click on the play button.
In the Polygon Geometry Setup task:
For each area import by clicking on the folder icon and select the corresponding .dxf/.str/.arch_d file or draw a polygon to limit the reporting area.
If importing polygons you may need to close the polygon by using the "join" option.
Click the play button and the model should now be set-up.
Save the the model.