RR. Blast Custom Labels
RR. Blast Custom Labels
In the Designer tab in Display panel locate Labels section and press Text dropdown: there is a preloaded list of automatic labels for the level hierarchy and reserves fields. We can add to this list by configuring custom labels.
Press the gear icon on the right from Text dropdown.
Click the blue plus icon to add a new label.
Rename the label to "Ore Tonnes".
Paste the sample formula into the code editor.
Double click in the Available Formulas for code hints.
Press OK to finish.
Ore Tonnes Label Example
Multi-Line Label
using System;
using Alastri.RR.Ui;
using Alastri.RR.Service;
public class LabelFormat : ILabel
public string GetLabel(ShadingContext context)
return "Blast " + context.GetLevelName("Solid") + "\n"
+ context.GetReserveValue("Volume").ToString("#,##0") + " bcm \n"
+ context.GetReserveValue("DryTonnes").ToString("#,##0") + "t";
Area / Perimeter Ratio
using System;
using Alastri.RR.Ui;
using Alastri.RR.Service;
public class LabelFormat : ILabel
public string GetLabel(ShadingContext context)
return (context.SurfaceArea / context.Perimeter).ToString("#,##0.00");
Ore Tonnes Label
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Alastri.RR.Ui;
using Alastri.RR.Service;
public class LabelFormat : ILabel
public string GetLabel(ShadingContext context)
List<string> temp = context.GetParcels();
List<string> parcels = temp.ConvertAll(low => low.ToLowerInvariant());
List<string> ores = new List<string>(){ "hg", "mg", "lg" };
double oreTonnes = 0;
foreach(var parcel in parcels)
if(ores.Any(ore => parcel.StartsWith(ore)))
oreTonnes += context.GetReserveValue("DryTonnes", parcel);
return oreTonnes.ToString("#,##0");
Majority Parcel
Ore Ratio
Grade Control naming convention
Calculate Blast Type