PS Wall Panels

PS Wall Panels

Activities on walls, such as batter pulling, can be modelled by enabling the Model wall panels and related activities option in the Production Mode Features step. Alastri Production Scheduler supports up to 10 custom user-defined wall activities which can be defined in the Feature Settings panel > Wall Panels tab. It is also a requirement that wall panels be generated inside the corresponding Rapid Reserver project.

Alastri Production Scheduler > Setup > Production Mode Features step > flag “Model wall panels and related activities” > Feature Settings panel > Wall Panels tab > add up to 10 wall activities

Wall Panel Generation - Rapid Reserver

To schedule activities on walls, wall panels need to be generated from within the embedded Rapid Reserver project. To get Rapid Reserver to generate wall panels the option Generate Panels must be enabled in the Phase Details step.

Flag “Generate Panels” to enable wall panel generation in Rapid Reserver

There are several wall panel configuration options, and each Phase within the project can be configured differently. The different configuration options are summarised below.

Configuration Option


Configuration Option


Generate Panels

Option to enable the generation of Wall Panels

Width (m)

Length of individual wall panels, i.e. with a value of 50m, on a 200m section of wall - 4 individual wall panels will be generated


The level at which the wall panels will be generated - Bench or Flitch

Thickness (m)

How thick the wall panels will appear in the APS animation

The software generates wall panels based on where the Wall Control string exists, AND the top of the solid doesn’t deviate from the bench silhouette. The image below highlights that where there are sections of deviation, no wall panel is created.

It is important to note that even though the wall panels are created within Rapid Reserver, they cannot be viewed until the Initial Database step in Alastri Production Scheduler. The wall panels will be displayed in the Record tree under their own category, separate from the mining solids.

Wall Panel Activities - Alastri Production Scheduler

Activities to perform on wall panels can be defined in the Wall Panels tab located down the bottom of the Production Mode Features step (Features Settings panel). Alastri Production Scheduler supports up to 10 different activities and once defined in the project, behave like all other activities within the app.

Please note, that by default, a sequential dependency is created based on the order activities are listed. In the image below, the Batters activity will occur before the Shotcrete activity. Additionally, scripts can be used to model more complex dependencies between activities if required.