Layers / Overlays

Layers / Overlays

Layers / Overlays pane is common to all Alastri software.

General Layout

Surfaces and solid triangulations can be imported into the software for display through this pane, from Vulcan, Surpac, MineSight or dxf format. Points files may be imported and triangulated.

Layers/Overlays Pane






Blue Plus icon to import files into the software

Create folder to organise files in the pane.

Delete File / folder. Highlight files to be deleted and select delete button. Using the CTRL/Shift keys multiple files may be selected

Enable file to made visible or Invisible

Lock or unlocked for editing

Show triangle edges

Triangulated file (Surface/Solid)

Points file

Click on colour swatch to select triangulation colour and level of transparency.

Drape Images over triangulations here.


How To Video

Solid Labs Layers Panel Tools Video