PS. Periods

PS. Periods

The Periods step creates a set of time intervals for fixed schedule inputs. These become columns in the Calendar to hold inputs such as crusher rates, truck availability, and grade targets.

Period Wizard

The period Wizard can be used to generate periods with traditional calendar durations, i.e., days, weeks, years.

Generating periods through the Generate Periods Wizard

Click on the Period Creation Wizard button located on the toolbar to open the Generate Periods dialog window. 

  1. Use the blue plus icon to add new periods.

  2. Use the dropdowns to set repeating time intervals and overall duration.

  3. Inspect the results in the Preview Results table on the right.

  4. Toggle the options and naming conventions as required. 

  5. Press OK to finish.

If you are modifying an existing schedule, remember to update the calendar values for new or altered periods.

Secondary Periods

It is possible to define multiple Period Sets, each of which can be reported against separately. One period set must be enabled as the “Primary” set, which will define the intervals for calendar based inputs. Secondary Period Sets can be helpful when a granularity different than the calendar is required for reporting. One common usage is when a two-week plan has weekly calendar inputs, but must be reported in shifts.

  1. Set up a Period Set with weekly intervals and set this as the Primary set.

Weekly Scheduling Periods flagged as the Primary set

2. Set up a secondary Period Set with shift intervals.

3. The required Period Set can be chosen for the focused report by selecting it from the drop-down menu after pressing the icon in the top toolbar. The data displayed in the report will be updated based on which set is currently active.


Scripts can be used to generate calendar durations which can’t be created through the period wizard, i.e, 12hr shifts. Site-specific naming conventions for periods can also be implemented through the use of scripts.

If scripts are used to generate periods, press the Scripts button located on the toolbar.

  1. Select the applicable period generator extension.

  2. Enter in required inputs.

  3. Press OK to finish.


Use the top toolbar buttons to: Add periods, Remove periods, Move Up and Down, Copy to Excel, Paste from Excel, open Period Creation Wizard, open Colour Selected Period Range dialog, Clear all periods, use Scripts, Import and Export Periods, accordingly.

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