TS. Truck Types

TS. Truck Types


Every project must have at least one truck type, which is used to calculate fleet numbers, engine hours and fuel burn.

Truck Types step overview

Adding Trucks

Truck definitions must be present in Haul Infinity in order for the scheduler to reference them. 

  • Truck types must be represented by models in Haul Infinity.

Trucks Models in Haul Infinity
  • In ATS, trucks can be added using plus icon in the toolbar, or imported directly from Haul Infinity.







Adding Trucks manually

To add and remove truck types manually use the green plus and red minus buttons located in the top toolbar.

The names in the Truck Type Name column must be consistent with names in Haul Infinity > Trucks > Models.

Adding Trucks from Haul Infinity

You can add all or missing trucks from Haul Infinity.

For this, use the Add Missing Items button located in the top toolbar.

It will find all trucks from Haul Infinity > Trucks > Models step and populate the missing items to the Truck Type Name column.


Availability Types to Specify

Column Availability Types to Specify is used to convert calendar time to productive time and engine hours. 

Types of availability include:

  • Planned Availability (PA),

  • Unplanned Availability (UPA),

  • Use of Availability (UA),

  • Operating Efficiency (OE) - Power/Engine On.

  • Productivity Factor (PF) - Power Engine On.

The availability types flagged here will be added to the Calendar as rows, where the values can be entered.

These availability inputs will be used to calculate trucks Direct Hours / Unit, Direct Utilisation, as well as Actual Total Hours and Actual Units.

Cycle Time Factor Field

Column Cycle Time Factor Field is used to read a value from the block model, so cycle times can be factored faster or slower for different areas. 

Adjust Cycle Time Factor by Time

Flag in Adjust Cycle Time Factor by Time introduces a new row in the calendar, so cycle times can be factored faster or slower in different periods (ie. wet weather period).