TS. Diggers Not Digging

TS. Diggers Not Digging

See below recommended steps to resolve poor digger utilisation in a period.

Example of poor digger utilisation in schedule

If the schedule has these issues, resolve them first:

Check 1: Schedule > Calendar > Loaders

  • Check the "Number of Loaders" value is greater than zero.

  • Check the "Direct Utilisation" value is greater than zero.

It may be that the digger is down for a service, in which case the downtime is intended behaviour.

Check 2: (enabled Truck Constrained mode) Schedule > Calendar > Trucks

  • Check the "Actuals Units" is less than maximum.

If the diggers are limited by trucks capacity, consider mining less waste, or dumping on shorter hauls.

Check 3: Schedule > Reporting > HaulageResult.LoaderRate.Wtph

  • Pivot the dig rate by Loader and Material.

Check dig rates by loader and material

If the dig rate looks wrong, check and update your Haul Infinity inputs.

Check 4: (Loaders as Agents) Schedule > Calendar > Agents > Agent Rates

This is a special case for projects with "Loaders as Agents" in Setup > Loaders > Use as Agent.

  1. Run the schedule.

  2. Check the dig rates in Reporting > Pivot tables > HaulageResult.LoaderProductionRate.Wtph.

  3. Check the agent rates in Calendar > Agents > Agent Rate.

  4. Make sure they are equal.

If the Agent Rate is lower than the Loader Rate, then it is possible for the Agent to under-utilise the digger.

Check 5: Schedule > Animation.

  • Move the animation to when the digger shuts down.

  • If the digger is halfway through a block, select that block. If it just finishes a block, select the next logical block that it should mine.

  • Right click > "Show Dependencies and Traces" > filter the Agents column by the digger name.

  • Read through the activity as per TS. Trace Report section to find out why the digger shut down.

After resolving the issue, re-run the schedule and repeat for the next period.