TS. Diggers Not Digging
See below recommended steps to resolve poor digger utilisation in a period.
If the schedule has these issues, resolve them first:
See TS. Overflow Warning.
Check 1: Schedule > Calendar > Loaders
Check the "Number of Loaders" value is greater than zero.
Check the "Direct Utilisation" value is greater than zero.
It may be that the digger is down for a service, in which case the downtime is intended behaviour.
Check 2: (enabled Truck Constrained mode) Schedule > Calendar > Trucks
Check the "Actuals Units" is less than maximum.
If the diggers are limited by trucks capacity, consider mining less waste, or dumping on shorter hauls.
Check 3: Schedule > Reporting > HaulageResult.LoaderRate.Wtph
Pivot the dig rate by Loader and Material.
If the dig rate looks wrong, check and update your Haul Infinity inputs.
Check 4: (Loaders as Agents) Schedule > Calendar > Agents > Agent Rates
This is a special case for projects with "Loaders as Agents" in Setup > Loaders > Use as Agent.
Run the schedule.
Check the dig rates in Reporting > Pivot tables > HaulageResult.LoaderProductionRate.Wtph.
Check the agent rates in Calendar > Agents > Agent Rate.
Make sure they are equal.
If the Agent Rate is lower than the Loader Rate, then it is possible for the Agent to under-utilise the digger.
Check 5: Schedule > Animation.
Move the animation to when the digger shuts down.
If the digger is halfway through a block, select that block. If it just finishes a block, select the next logical block that it should mine.
Right click > "Show Dependencies and Traces" > filter the Agents column by the digger name.
Read through the activity as per TS. Trace Report section to find out why the digger shut down.
After resolving the issue, re-run the schedule and repeat for the next period.