PS Scenarios Panel

PS Scenarios Panel

The Scenarios panel contains Date and Time display, Run buttons, Scenario Mode and Scenario List sections. At the bottom of the Scenarios panel View Configuration and Performance Profiler tabs are located.

The Scenarios panel located at the left of the Schedule tab.

Scenarios panel location and overview

In the Scenarios Panel you can:

  • Run scheduling period, selected scenarios, or all.

  • Merge schedules from two users.

  • Use scenarios to “save as you go”.

  • Use scenarios to test doing something different.

Date and time

The top of the Scenarios panel displays the date and time of the current slider location. Formatting options for large and small labels see here.

Run Buttons

  1. Press the first blue play icon to run a single period of the schedule, this will be either the earliest period that has changes, or the next unscheduled period, if there have been no changes.

  2. The second play icon, will run the highlighted (current) scenario.

  3. The third play icon, will run all scenarios.

Run Period (F9), Run Current Schedule (F10) and Run All Scenarios buttons

All Scenarios will be using the same project setup parameters, each can have custom inputs in the Calendar, Gantt and Animation tabs.

Scenario Mode

Each scenario can be run in three modes.

  • Mining Mode: ignores drilling dependencies. Use this mode to run a digger-only schedule.

  • Ancillary Mode: is used to align the ancillary sequences to the Mining Mode.

  • Everything Mode: enforces all dependencies. Use this mode to schedule diggers and drills together.

A green progress bar indicates how much of the schedule has been run. Yellow highlighting indicates the schedule has been invalidated past that point (by a move on the Gantt).

Animation and Reporting tabs show results for the selected mode.


Each scenario runs a schedule based on the inputs in its Calendar, Gantt, and Animation tabs.

“Save points” can be created by copying a schedule, locking the original, and working on the copy.

Click the Locked icon to prevent the selected scenario from making changes. Locked scenarios will be hatched yellow in the Calendar tab, and grayed out in the Gantt tab. To unlock and allow changes, re-click the lock icon to "open" it.

Merge Scenarios

Scenarios can be merged if you have two people working in parallel. See PS. Merge Scenarios From Two Different Schedules. To do this, select the required scenario from the list, right-click on it and select “Merge With” > relevant scenario.

The Merge Scenarios dialog will appear. Choose which items to merge from both scenarios. Specify the required parameters for the start scenario and the overwrite.

View Configuration tab

The View Configuration tab is located at the bottom of the Scenarios Panel. It’s an option to add New View Configurations and work with them. You can also remove or move up/down, as well as Update View Configuration.

Performance Profiler tab

The Performance Profiler tab allows experts to diagnose performance issues in the project. Each line item reports the time taken on that task during the schedule.

Slow Haulage

If haulage is taking a long time, consider reducing the number of auto-joins in Haul Infinity, or the number of available dumps in the Destination Rules step.