New 22.1 Release

New 22.1 Release

Alastri is pleased to announce the release of v22.1. This is a major release with major improvements made to Rapid Reserver and Spatial Conformetrics. New reporting functionality, similar to excel, has also been introduced, which allows for flexible and detailed reporting.

If you cannot see version 22.1 in the Hub, please contact one of your company’s license administrators and ask them to change the organisation’s permissions via the licensing website.

Due to major changes in RR, names of blasts and digs may change initially when upgrading older projects to 22.1.

Some very minor scripting changes may be required to update to 22.1, depending on the project setup. Please contact the support desk if you encounter any problems with scripts.

Common Improvements

Zip for Support

To simplify the process of sending required data to the Alastri support team, two functions have been created which will automatically zip up the data files necessary to send to support. This functionality exists under the “Help” menu in all products. In APS or ATS, if Rapid Reserver is embedded and there is no need for support to have the Rapid Reserver project, the “Detach Rapid Reserver” option should be used.


Help > Zip for Support


Last Save Information

In all Alastri applications, the time since last saved is now shown on the right-hand side of the applications title bar. The applications will no longer interrupt the users' workflow with a MessageBox shown at specified intervals. Instead, a duration can be specified, which will be used to alert users if the time since the last save exceeds this threshold. When the duration is exceeded between saves, the toolbar will flash until the user intervenes and either saves the project or rejects the save request. This feature can be disabled by changing the duration to “Off”.

Threshold exceeded event


Micromine File Formats

The Alastri file reader/writer has been updated so that now Micromine *.dat and *.str files can be imported and exported from all applications.


The Alastri block model reader (in SC and RR) has been updated so Micromine Block Models can now be read.

Spreadsheet Report

A new report type has been created that essentially creates a basic version of Excel within the software. This report type is available in APS, ATS, and RR.

Pivot reports and Chrono reports can be converted into Spreadsheet reports, or Spreadsheet reports can be created from scratch using special formulas which extract data from the software and place it in the report. These formulas can be found in the Formulas->Alastri Formulas menu.

Click here to learn more about this report.



Table Report Filter

It is now possible to apply a filter to a table report in APS and ATS. The filter can be created in the code editor that appears when the “Use Filter” check box is toggled on. Two formula helpers are located at the bottom of the editor, which assists in retrieving values used in the filter logic.


Time-Based On-Bench Drawn Dependencies

In both APS and ATS, it is now possible to apply a time delay on manually drawn dependencies in the On Bench step, i.e., can’t mine a trim shot until a week after finishing the production shot in front. The remaining duration of the delay can be queried by launching the Dependencies dialog of the dependant block in the animation tab.


Tree Expand Button

It is now possible to quickly expand/collapse various record trees through ATS, APS, and RR. This can be achieved by launching the context menu by clicking the button directly above the scroll bar. It is also possible to save an expand state to the Clipboard and then restore it on a different tree.

Show Selected Block in Rapid Reserver

In APS and ATS, if Rapid Reserver is embedded, you can right-click on a block in the Animation tab and navigate to the block in Rapid Reserver. The focused block will be shown in the Designer tab of Rapid Reserver and will be selected.


Label & Legend Setting Persistence

The specified options for Labels, Reserve Shadings and Dump Shadings on the Database and Animation are now saved between sessions in both ATS and APS.

Tactical Scheduler

Lowest RL Constraint

It is now possible to constrain mining to a certain RL within the mine, stage or pit. The main purpose of this constraint is to limit mining by the lowering of the water table over time through dewatering activities. This constraint is configured in the setup, and rows are automatically added to the Calendar so the water level can be input per period.

Improved Schedule Run Times - Optional Calendar Display

The default view when running the schedule no longer shows the calendar. This has been removed because a large number of rows in the calendar will cause a delay each time the schedule is run. It is possible to restore the old view by checking the Show Calendar button on the lower right of the scheduling dialog.

Dynamic Dependency and Trace Dialog

When reviewing the Dependency and Trace dialog for a record, the information shown will now update based on the position of the period slider.

Destination/Steps Logic - Search and Replace

It is now possible to perform a ‘Search and Replace’ operation on the text within the Destination and Steps logic rules. When selected, a dialog will be shown where a ‘Target Column’ can be selected, along with the text replacement inputs.

Record Subset Report Filters

It is now possible to use Record Subsets as a source or destination filter in reports. These subsets will appear under “SourceRecordSubset.*” as a source filter or “DestinationRecordSubset.*” as a destination filter. Both filter values will appear as “No” or “Yes” to indicate whether the source or destination is contained in the respective subset.


Production Scheduler

Secondary Periods

It is now possible to define multiple Period Sets, each of which can be reported against separately. One period set must be enabled as the ‘Primary' set, which will define the intervals for calendar based inputs. Secondary Period Sets can be helpful when a granularity different than the calendar is required for reporting. One common usage is when a two-week plan has weekly calendar inputs, but must be reported in shifts. For example:

1. Set up a Period Set with weekly intervals and set this as the Primary set.

2. Set up a secondary Period Set with shift intervals.

3. The required Period Set can be chosen for the focused report by selecting it from the drop-down menu after pressing the icon in the top toolbar. The data displayed in the report will be updated based on which set is currently active.

Agent Parcels

It is now possible to explicitly define which parcels Agents are allowed to perform activities on in the new ‘Agent Parcels’ step. The mutex group assigned to each activity in the ‘Rates and Precedence' step will dictate what parcel groups are shown for each activity. For each Agent, the applicable parcel groupings can be enabled which will then flow through into the calendar where rates can be specified.

Split Destinations - JiT Destinations

It is now possible to specify multiple destinations using the JiT destinations functionality. Destinations and ratios can be configured by clicking inside the Override Destinations cell of the selected parcel.

Configuration Option


Configuration Option


No Override

Apply no destination override; this is the default setting.


If the record has an imported destination, choosing 'None’ will override the imported destination to have no override.


Allows override destination(s) to be selected along with the corresponding ratios.


Timeline Bar Customisation

The Timeline Bar, located in several tabs, can now be customised to show only the selected time components. Customisation options can be found in the ‘Configure Display Options’ dialog, and the ‘Period Name’ can be customized in the ‘Configure Global Options’ dialog.

Gantt Cascade Settings

The cascade settings for the Blast, Source and Destination lanes are now configurable in the “Configure Gantt Display Options” dialog. Each lane has two configurable options, which are detailed below.






Never - No cascading will be performed.

WhenRequired - Cascading will only be performed where required (once there is not enough room in a lane above, it will show in the lane below).

Always - Cascading will always be performed (and will wrap around to the top row once the maximum number of lanes has been used).


The maximum number of lanes that can be used for cascading.

Preschedule Legend

A legend is now shown in the bottom left-hand corner of the Preschedule step, which helps understand the meaning of the text colors.

Sequence Bar Labels

It is now possible to automatically assign a name to a Gantt sequence bar and to change the display names of the blocks displayed in the Blocks List. These names can be configured in the “Configure Gantt Display Options”.

Sequence Bar Customisation


Sequence Bar Customisation


Default Name

The default name displayed in newly created sequence bars. If multiple blocks are contained within a sequence bar, the label shown will be based on the first block in the list.

Blocks List

The name that represents the block in the “Blocks List” shown in the Properties tab on the right.



Task Gantt Chart

A new Gantt chart type has been introduced, located in the Task tab of the main Scheduling tab. This Gantt is more traditional and comprises a table on the left-hand side containing records mined by the Agent and the corresponding Gantt on the right-hand side with bars indicating the duration of the task. Two default Gantt charts are available directly beneath the Tasks Tab in the drop-down menu. As the requirement of Gantt charts varies by client, it is possible to customise the look and information displayed in the Gantt through scripts. Contact Alastri if your site requires a custom Gantt.


Rapid Reserver

Revised Flitch Designer

It is no longer required to enter a blast before slicing the flitch level solids into dig blocks. Construction lines can now be drawn across an entire flitch, cutting multiple dig blocks inside multiple blasts at once.


Revised Point Manipulation

In circumstances where construction lines lie on top of one another, points can now be added/deleted/repositioned simultaneously by holding down the “Shift” key and performing the relevant action.

Minimum Volume Threshold

It is now possible to define a minimum volume discard threshold to help remove trivial/remnant solids. Any solid whose volume is less than the defined value will be discarded. The maximum value is capped to 1000.

Auto Unique - Dig Solid Naming

Three different options now exist when specifying the Auto Unique option for the ‘Dig’ level.






Auto Unique will be disabled. A Default Value must be specified.

By Increment

The name of the Dig solid must be unique across the Bench/Flitch level.

By Blast

The name of the Dig solid must be unique within its parent Blast. Digs with the same name can coexist in the same flitch as long as they belong to separate blasts.

Reserve Field Value Clamping

Two new columns have now been introduced, which will clamp numbers by block to be >= Minimum and <= Maximum. This functionality can be used to help with data hygiene by ensuring that values are somewhat sensible.



Spatial Conformetrics

Improved Workflow

Spatial Conformetrics has a new and improved workflow. This new workflow is much faster to configure for large, complex projects (though mildly slower for very simple setups). It also enables far more customisation of reports and has more data export options.

Click here for the updated documentation on how to use the new workflow.

Surface Morphing Improvement

Two new additional Surface Morphing methods have now been introduced to allow users to have more control over the resulting surface. A description of each method is detailed below.

Surface Morphing

Surface Morphing


Material from the Schedule Solid will be depleted vertically and repositioned in the void that exists between the Production Surface and Schedule Solid. This method honours the volume of the void and the volume filling it. Once the void has been filled, any excess material will occupy the footprint of the original solid but at a reduced height.



Material from the Schedule Solid will be depleted horizontally and repositioned in the void that exists between the Production Surface and Schedule Solid. Material will fill the void in the opposite direction as the solid is being depleted. This method honours the volume of the void and the volume filling into it. Once the void has been filled, any excess material will be left at its original height but occupy a reduced footprint of the original solid. Note the software does its best to guess the direction; the user has no direct control over direction.



Material from the Schedule Solid will be repositioned in the void that exists between the Production Surface and Schedule Solid. This method does not honour the volume of the void and the volume of material going into it. Once the void has been filled, any excess material will be thrown away.


Haul Infinity

Battery Trucks

Haul Infinity now supports trucks that use batteries as a power source instead of diesel (or some other form of hydrocarbon). Additionally, it’s now possible to model regenerative braking and recharging trucks that are connected to a trolley-assist system.

It’s now possible to track battery usage over a haulage cycle, instantaneous power draw (or recharge).

Further, the time taken to recharge the trucks between hauls (if needed) is now included in the cycle time analysis:

All these new fields associated with battery trucks are now available in both APS and ATS, which allows for modelling battery truck requirements (and comparing against conventional trucks).

Note that in order to use these functions, the performance information of the battery-powered trucks must be provided by the user. The Alastri truck library does not contain any battery-powered trucks yet (because none currently exist in production quantities).


Isolated Joins

Various improvements to how the Auto Join feature works have been made. These include adding an additional field to the Properties panel for a selected block, which will allow users to diagnose auto join issues related to the segment not being at the same height as the RL.



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