28/9/2021 New 21.1 Release

28/9/2021 New 21.1 Release

Alastri is pleased to announce the release of v21.1.919.

Rapid Reserver

Bug Fixes

  • Designer

    • Fixed a crash which would occur when auto generating blasts With Selected Digs while editing a blast, if a dig block selected was not in the blast being edited.

  • Grade Control

    • Fixed an issue where dig block names were not being matched correctly with grade control block names, in certain cases.

Alastri Production Scheduler

  • Non-Spatial Guidance

    • Fixed an issue where it could take a long time to refresh the Mappings table after choosing a new Weighting value, if the Mappings table contained many rows.

Alastri Tactical Scheduler

No specific changes for this release

Haul Infinity

No specific changes for this release

Spatial Conformetrics

No specific changes for this release