29/4/2024 New Release v23.2.3097
29/4/2024 New Release v23.2.3097
Alastri is pleased to announce the release of v23.2.3097.
Alastri Production Scheduler & Alastri Tactical Scheduler
Importing nodes from HI
APS and ATS will now show a warning when attempting to import stockpiles automatically from Haul Infinity, if duplicate stockpile names exist on the Haul Infinity network.
Common Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where adding a layer directly after upgrading older projects still using .layers project files would result in a crash.
Alastri Production Scheduler
Bug Fixes
Schedule > Animation
Fixed an issue where Agent Label Size was not working as expected on the Animation viewport.
Schedule > Export/Import Scenario
Fixed an issue where some Gantt items were being lost when exporting a scenario and importing it into a similar model.
Alastri Tactical Scheduler
Bug Fixes
Reporting > Chrono Report
Fixed a crash occurring when copying and pasting values in Chrono reports for specific scenarios.
Rapid Reserver
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where the application would crash on project load in specific cases.
Haul Infinity
No specific changes for this release
Spatial Conformetrics
No specific changes for this release