PS. Fields

PS. Fields

Database Fields in the Fields step are used to hold different information for the various activities setup within the model.

For example: Drilling fields could contain information on meters and holes, whereas Mining fields could contain information on tonnes and grades.

These fields can be populated through different methods:

  • Using data imported from directly from Rapid Reserver or via an inventory model.

  • Calculated via Extensions and inputs from the Database Refinements step.

  • Overridden manually using the Database Corrupter.

Field Collections

Field Collections are used to combine Database Fields into groups based upon each Solid or Activity.

The list of available collections will vary depending on the Production Mode Features selected in the Production Mode Features step.

Fields step overview

Field Properties

Each field has a number of properties associated with it.

Header Field


Header Field


Full Name

Full address of the field, including parent Title fields (ie. class_waterTable_wet)


An indented field becomes a child of the “Title” field above it

Product Field

A measure of product value such as tonnes, grades, and class


The name of the field that will appear in the reserves tables


A description of the field


Unit of measurement

Field Type

Fields can be “Title”, “Text” or “Double” (numeric). Indented fields must have a Title field as a parent.

Summary Type

When aggregating records, use “Sum”, “WeightedAverage” or “None”


For weighted averages, use the weighting dropdown to reference another field


Choose how numeric fields are displayed






<CTRL +> Add field

<CTRL - > Remove Selected Field (s)

<CTRL + Up> Move Up

<CTRL + Down> Move Down

Increase Indent

Decrease Indent

<CTRL + C> Copy Selected Fields

<CTRL + P> Paste Selected Fields

Open “.openfields” file

Save “.openfields” file