TS. Schedule tab

TS. Schedule tab

The Schedule tab is the main work area of Alastri Tactical Scheduler software, representing the unique functionality of scheduling and allowing the user to work with it in many different ways.

This tab consists of several important areas and auxiliary tabs, each of which has its own functionality.

Below in this section you’ll find a general overview of the Schedule tab with a brief description of all its tabs.

Schedule tab overview

Scenarios Panel

The Scenarios panel is located at the top of the Schedule tab.

  1. In the left part of the panel, you can add, delete, move up and down scenarios.

  2. By clicking on the eye icon in the Visible column, you can toggle the visibility of the selected scenario.

  3. Type in the meaningful name for each scenario.

  4. In the dropdown colors dialog (the Color column) you can set any color for the scenario bar, as well as adjust the brightness and opacity.

  5. Toggling the circle in the Locked column locks / unlocks the ability to make changes to the input data. Fields of the locked scenarios will appear hatched.

  6. Select a scenario and press the blue plus button add a copy of this scenario.

  7. Toggle between scenarios in the right or left panels to switch to one of them.

  8. In the right panel, scroll the mouse wheel to zoom in/out scenarios periods.

    1. Alternatively use the Sync and Zoom All buttons.

  9. Right click on the period of one of the scenarios and select Copy <…> and Split Here to copy the selected scenario and split it at the given period.

  10. Right click on the period of one of the scenarios and select Run <…> Through Period #… to run the selected scenario only to the selected period.

  11. Select one of the available Calendar fields from the dropdown to display that value in the scenarios bar.

Play the video to learn how to navigate through the Scenarios panel

Use the buttons below to run the schedule/scenario/period after making changes to the model setup or in the Calendar inputs.

Press to run one single period, or press <F9> key.

Press to run scenario, or press <F10> key.

Press to run full schedule, or press <F11> key.


The Schedule tab contains four internal tabs, with different functionality and viewports.

A detailed description of each of them is given below.

Calendar tab

The Calendar tab is a calendar plan for the open pit mining, arranged by production periods, mine components, equipment used, and applicable constraints and parameters.

The main area of the Calendar tab is the Dashboard.


  1. Category list: an organised list of all the project items to display on the main Dashboard panel and in further charts and reports.

  2. Dashboard viewport: complete information on all or selected categories, sorted by periods and specified parameters.

Full information on Calendar data inputs in the dashboard (and its configuring), recommendations on controlling the schedule with means of the Calendar, navigating in the Animation, Block sequences and solving any possible problems is given in the subsidiary sections:


Animation tab

The Animation tab provides the user with a graphical representation of the activities performed by periods, as well as the ability to select data to display and set priority incentives.

Detailed information about the Animation tab and its panels and fields see here.

Trace tab

More information about Trace Reports see here.

Reporting tab

Detailed information on the Reporting options see here.