APS Simple Dependency Walkthrough
A step by step walkthrough of dependencies for a single mining solid through a drill, blast, mine life-cycle.
In this example all Expand Distances have been set to -1.
Stage 1. Mining solid at the beginning of a sequence
Dependencies show:
Mining is waiting for PreDigSolid to be ready.
PreDigSolid is waiting on Blasting.
Blasting has 2 predecessors:
PreBlastSolid which is Satisfied as all activities before drilling have been completed.
Charging which is not Satisfied.
Charging is waiting on Drilling which is Available.
Stage 2. Drilling Commences
Dependencies show:
Mining is waiting for PreDigSolid to be ready.
PreDigSolid is waiting on Blasting.
Blasting has 2 predecessors:
PreBlastSolid which is Satisfied as all activities before drilling have been completed.
Charging which is not Satisfied.
Charging is waiting on Drilling which is Available.
Stage 3. Drilling Complete
Dependencies show:
Mining is waiting for PreDigSolid to be ready.
PreDigSolid is waiting on Blasting.
Blasting has 2 predecessors:
PreBlastSolid which is Satisfied as all activities before drilling have been completed.
Charging which is not Satisfied.
Charging is waiting on Drilling. This time delay was setup in Dependencies - Activity Sequences.
Stage 4. Charging Commences
Dependencies show:
Mining is waiting for PreDigSolid to be ready.
PreDigSolid is waiting on Blasting.
Blasting has 2 predecessors:
PreBlastSolid which is Satisfied as all activities before drilling have been completed.
Charging which is now Available.
Stage 5. Charging Complete
Dependencies show:
Mining is waiting for PreDigSolid to be ready.
PreDigSolid is waiting on Blasting which is now Available and waiting on a Blast Window.
Stage 6. Blasting
Dependencies show:
Mining is waiting for PreDigSolid to be ready.
PreDigSolid is waiting on Blasting which is happening.
Stage 7. Mining Commences
Dependencies show:
Mining is underway on top flitch.