RR. Extensions

RR. Extensions

The Extension Source, Extension Parameters, and Extension Data Sources setup steps do not appear in the Setup Task list for all projects, but only for those that use custom extensions.

Flag Use Extension option to display Setup Tasks for configuring external extension sources

Extension Source step

The Extension Source step may be used to load scripts to change the reserves database, stockpile inventories, equipment performance, processing plant performance, and reporting fields.

Click the folder icon and specify the path to the extension. This will be a file in .sln format.

  • Use the green arrow icon to Refresh the imported extensions. They would not have to be re-uploaded when you transfer the project, and can be exported separately.

  • Once extensions are loaded they stay with a project.

    • Use the disk icon to Export added extensions.

  • Use the red cross icon to Delete added extensions.


Extension Source import to project

Extension Parameters step

The Extension Parameters step contains custom global variables such as the site name, drill and blast properties, and so on. These inputs vary from site to site depending on the requirements of the Extension scripts.

  • Use the folder and disk icons to import and export the parameter set configuration.

Extension Data Sources step

  1. The Name column shows the extension file name.

  2. Successfully loaded files will be marked with a green check mark in the Loaded column.

  3. The Last Loaded column displays the time each file was last loaded.

  4. In the Required column, flag the boxes for the files required in this project.

  5. The File column shows the path to the file.

    1. Use the icons to the right to refresh, import, save or delete the extension file.

