RR. Phases
In the Phases step, the user is prompted to create/import phases for later reference in the project.
You can import solids from other planning package or create them in the embedded Solid Lab tab.
Note that the names and order of the phases in the entire project are specified in this step. Make sure that the phases are added, named and listed correctly.
Each phase is defined by a closed master solid. Pit solids must be closed (NOT open pit designs).
Importing Solids
You can import from a file, layer, or a third-party package.
Importing from Layer(s)
If you have pre-created closed solids listed in the Layers panel, import them as Phases by pressing the Grid icon and selecting relevant solids.
Importing from File(s)
To import phases from File(s), press the Folder icon and specify a path to the folder where closed solids are stored.
When importing solids from another software, supported file formats are:
.00t (Vulcan)
.dtm (Surpac)
.dxf (AutoCAD)
.msr (MineSight)
.obj (Wavefront)
.tridb (Micromine)
Checking for Overlaps
Use the vertical Z-Plane slider (between the solid list and the 3D viewport) to check for overlaps between the phase solids.
Overlaps are marked with a red and white hatch pattern. These are a problem when material is included in multiple phases leading to double counting of tonnes β this must be fixed. So each block is mined only once.
In the image to the right see that the same area is used for 2 different purposes: first Pit1 is mined out, then the area is used as a backfill. The block is mined once, the area is then available to backfill with waste, meaning correct and valid overlapping of solids (candy-cane pattern).
Navigate to the Solid Lab tab and create a solid for the Backfill stage.
see RR. Solid Lab Exercises > Creating Backfill Stage Solid section.
Import it as a phase solid and check its overlap with Pit1_Stage1 phase.
To avoid double-counting tonnes in an overlap, revert to the Solid Lab and use the Subtract Solids operation to clean up the data.
Updating Solids
To update the solid for a given phase, click in the Solid dropdown and choose Select Geometry from File or Select Geometry from Layer.
Phases Order
To change the order the phases appear in the software, type in the priority order in the Order column, or select a Phase and reposition it using the blue up/down arrows. You can also drag selected solid within the phases list and drop it to the location pointed by the blue arrow.
One you are satisfied with the phases, press blue play button to proceed to the next step.