RR. Grade Control

RR. Grade Control

The Grade Control step is only visible if enabled in Settings setup task.

The Grade Control step is used to present and substitute grade control data for certain ore grades based on user project scenarios. This tab is not common to a large number of projects but is used specifically by some companies.

Import Scenarios

Settings step

To display the Grade Control step in the Setup Task list, in the Settings step flag the Use External Grade Control Data Source option.

Make sure that Use Extensions and Enable Dig Plans options are ticked as well. You cannot Use External Grade Control Data Source if Enable Dig Plans is disabled.

The optionΒ Maximum Grade Block Overlap (%)Β accounts for polygon overlap in the Geology grade control database. As an example, if the value is 12%, blocks with up to 12% overlap can be imported, and the outlines will be adjusted to account for this overlap. Reserves will be recalculated to account for this so no double counting of reserves can occur.


Extensions steps

You will also need to import the appropriate extensions. To do so, flag the Use Extension checkbox and import the applicable scripts in the Extension Source, Extension Parameters, and Extension Data Sources setup steps (details on flags configuration see here).

Extension Source

  • In the Extension Source step click on the folder icon and browse to the relevant folder location containing the current β€œSiteSpecificExtension.sln” file.

Extension Parameters

In the Extension Parameters step, specify custom global variables such as the site name, properties, etc., if applicable.

Extension Data Sources

In the Extension Data Sources step, import or refresh external data sources files.

  • Successfully loaded files will be marked with a green check mark in the Loaded column.

  • Flag the boxes for the files required in your project in the Required column.

  • Use the green arrow to reload file after making changes to it.

  • Use the folder icon to import new Grade Control Data Source file, or specify a path to the new file location.

  • Use the floppy disk icon to export the loaded data source file.

  • Use the red cross icon to remove the data source file.

Tables step

In addition to the current Reserves tables level names, the new level namesΒ β€œBlastName” (optional) andΒ β€œGradeBlock” need to be added to prevent duplication of names. The new level fields will be associated with theΒ BlastΒ level and will have a default value of 1, which will be overwritten on import of the grade control database. Auto Unique optionΒ can be set to β€œNone”.

Grade Control Setup

Grade Control Blocks mapping

Press Refresh button to open Grade Control Mappings window.

The Grade Control will require a refresh when modifying the following in regard to Block Model setup:

  • Adding a new row;

  • Editing the name of an existing row;

  • Changing the type of row.


Add a template for grade control blocks mapping. To do this, press the blue plus button or import template from a β€œ.GCMappings” file.

After making changes in the appropriate tabs, press OK to confirm and return to the main setup area.

The status bar at the top displays time of the last mapping data update (Last Refresh: <…>).

Reserves Mapping tab

Go to the Reserves Mappings tab to map Reserves and Parcels.

The reserves fields to map appear in red and blue text in the right-hand columns. Drag variables from As Number and As Text columns to the right into the appropriate fields to map parcels with numeric or text variables.

Once finished mapping, all required numerical values mappings can be saved for backup or sharing by clicking theΒ ExportΒ button.

Phase Mappings tab

Go to the Phase Mapping tab to map Phases and Materials from Rapid Reserver with Grade Control Database.

  • Expand the tree to the required phase in Rapid Reserver and from the Grade Control Database Mapping(s) dropdown select applicable database(s).

Map GC materials with RR parcels:

  • Make sure the material mappings in the Grade Control Database Material and Rapid Reserver Parcel columns are correct - they should match.

Solid Property Mappings tab

  • Map levels created in RR > Tables setup step with GC database fields containing Blasts, Digs and Grades data.

  • Map Rapid Reserver Solid Properties with GC database fields containing solid properties, if any.

  • Flag levels and solids properties you wish to override.

Click OK to confirm and return to the main area of the setup step.

Blocks and Nodes Tree

  • Expand the tree structure to the record required (as per Mine - Pit - Phase - Bench - Blast - Flitch - Solid) and double click to center it in the viewport.

  • View the total number of grade control blocks by levels (the Total Grade Blocks column).

  • Flag grade control blocks you want to see further and use in the scheduling.

    • Not flagged blocks will be shown as Not Included polygons (red by default) won’t be displayed in the Designer tab.

  • Amount of the selected grade control blocks on the level is shown in the Selected Grade Blocks column.

  • The Volume column - cubic meters of the grade content (applies to solids only).

  • The UID column - unique identifier of the record (applies to solids only).

Flag the Show Empty Nodes checkbox to include empty blocks (not including grade controls data) in the tree. They will be shown in grey.

Increment Solids panel

In the Increment Solids panel, you can select which dig solids to display in the viewport (Original, After Depletion, After Preconditioning), and change their colors to suit your preferences.

Imported Polygons panel

Use the eye icon to select the Imported Polygons you want to display in the viewport (Included or Not Included), and change their colors according to your preferences.

Reserves panel

The Reserves panel provides detailed information on the material content in the selected parcels.

Material parcels are loaded and configured as in the RR. Block Model step.

  • Select from the tree any level(s) you wish to display the reserves data for.

  • Toggle the Min/Max button to display/hide detailed grade information. When the full information is displayed, you will see the grade total, as well as the minimum and maximum values.

  • From the Parcel field dropdown, select the parcels you wish to display in the Reserves panel.

  • From the Fields field dropdown, select the data fields you wish to display in the Reserves panel.

Export Options

Use the export button to:

  • Save data in ".xlsx" format for later use in Microsoft Excel spreadsheets - β€œExport to Excel” option.

  • Save data in ".tst" format for later use in text editors, or in ".csv" format - β€œExport to Text/CSV” option.


In the viewport, you can deal with the 3D representation of the blocks selected in the level tree on the left. For instructions on using the top toolbar buttons, see here.

To the right of the viewport there is also a hidden Layers tab, which you can use to import the required layers. For more details about using this tab, see UI. Layers/Overlays panel.

This setup step varies for different projects and depends on the imported scripts for your particular one.

Designer tab

The imported Grade Control blocks will be shown in the Designer tab with a hatch pattern specified in the Settings > Hatch Patterns > Designer - Grade Control Hatch.

Grade Control blocks can only be edited on the dig level.

Select grade control block and review its reserves vs block model data.