PS. Stockpile Build Settings

PS. Stockpile Build Settings





Mutex Group

Stockpile Mutex Group.

Preferred Build Order

Preferred Build order for all stockpiles in a Group. Can set the order stockpiles are built.

Starting Build Number

Stockpile builds will count up from this number

Maximum Number of Builds

This field is restricted to Single-Mutex, Single-Counter, Build Target stockpiles.
It controls the number of builds on which grade targets may be configured.


The capacity of the stockpile.

Minimum Size to Reclaim

This field is restricted to Mutex Group stockpiles.
If the stockpile capacity is greater than this number, then it may reclaim if all other stockpiles are empty.

Maximum Size to Refill

This field is restricted to Mutex Group stockpiles.
If the stockpile capacity is less than this number, then it may build if all other stockpiles are full.

State Change Triggers New Reclaim Decisions

Enable to initiate new reclaim decision when stockpile state changes

Build to reclaim Delay (h)

Time delay between stockpile building end and reclaiming start, in hours

Reclaim to Build Delay (h)

Time delay between stockpile reclaiming end and building start, in hours

Non Mutex stockpiles can have Turnover Triggers set in the Calendar. Allowing them to be switched to the Reclaim mode before reaching capacity.


Within APS, a new stockpile build is triggered when all of the material from the stockpile has been depleted. If a stockpile switches to build mode before all of the material has been reclaimed, the build number will remain the same until all of the material from the stockpile has been depleted. In the Stockpile Builds report, the values shown for a particular build will be for the point in time where the build encountered its highest peak. This logic can be seen in the image below.


Stockpile Build Logic

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