PS. Dump Sequences

PS. Dump Sequences


The Dump Sequences step is a prioritised list of dumps for the schedule to follow. Dump sequence entries can later be referenced in the Destination Rules step.

Dump Sequences step overview

Adding Dump Sequence

  1. Press the blue plus icon located in the toolbar.

  2. Rename the sequence to the desired name.

  3. Place entry into the relevant folder (optional).

Avoid using commas in the Dump Sequence name, because when exporting future reports to CSV, the commas result in misalignment of the columns.

Configuring Dump Sequence

  1. Click inside the Sequence panel. The Configure dialog will appear.

  2. Press the blue add button.

  3. Click inside the blank panel of the new entry.

  4. Select dump records.

  5. Repeat steps 2-4 to add more dumps to the sequence.

Dumps sequence configuration

Multiple dumps can be selected for each priority. Which dump is chosen will depend on which are available and then haulage distance or cycle time.

  • Use the Eraser tool to clear all flags of selected dumps and lifts.

  • Press View Database button to open project records preview window.

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