PS Gantt Views

PS Gantt Views

Display of the scheduling elements in the Gantt can be changed according to the needs of your project.

The Gantt view is configured in the Configure Gantt Display Options window, which appears when the “Configure Gantt Settings” option is selected from the display view button dropdown.

Select the settings, labels, shadings, and font sizes for each Gantt view

To set Gantt view:

  1. Select the “Configure Gantt Settings” option from the display view button dropdown.

  2. Press the blue plus icon to add a new view.

  3. Make the necessary settings in the Display Settings panel.

    1. In the Other Settings field flag display view settings such as “Split On Delay”, “Show Delays”, “Cascade Bars”, “Split On Parcel”, “Show Period Grid”.

    2. Select previously created labels, Default labels, or (none) from the Labels field dropdowns. In this example, for the Above field, select the “Label Above” template, for the Below field, select the “Label Below” template, and so on. Instructions on how to create templates for labels, see here.

    3. In the Shading field, select the previously created custom shadings set "Parcel", default shading (Default) or the option of (none).

    4. In the Visible Rows panel, you can edit the list of rows displayed in the Gantt chart for each agent or activity. To do this, flag or unflag the appropriate boxes in the corresponding fields dropdowns.

    5. Press OK to confirm.

Example Gantt view with custom labels, shadings, and tooltip

You can duplicate the added views, save them in the ".ganttDisplayOptions" file format, or import previously created views.

At the bottom of the Configure Gantt Display Options window there is Edit Global Settings button. Press it to open the Configure Display Options window with Labels, Shadings and Destination Charts tabs (same as selecting “Configure Global Display Options” from the display views button dropdown. In this window you can edit existing templates for Labels, Shadings and Destination Charts, or create new ones.