PS Destinations Charts

PS Destinations Charts

Create charts to track tonnes and grades through stockpiles and crushers.

To organise Destinations charts:

  1. Select “Configure Global Display Options” from the display options button dropdown.

  2. In the Configure Display Options window, go to the Destination Charts tab.

  3. Add a chart for each product grade.

    1. Name the chart to the grade name (In this example, “Fe“, “Al“, “Si“).

    2. Set the Primary Axis Caption field to blank.

    3. Set the Primary Axis Format to show N decimal places.

    4. Set the series type to Weight Averaged.

    5. Add a new series and set the Name, Field, and Colour.

Configure destination chart options

You can save custom display options templates and import previously created ones, in the ".apsDisplayOptions" format.

Export and Import Display Options


To apply the charts, see PS. Destinations Views.