TS. Parcel (Mutex) Subsets

TS. Parcel (Mutex) Subsets

Subsets variables can make rules and reporting easier, by referring to groups such as "Ore Materials", "Contractor Pits", or "Stockpiles on ROM1". 

Configure Parcel Subsets overview

Parcel Subsets

Parcel subsets are preconfigured groups of parcels that can be referenced in the Incentives, Destination Logic, Steps Logic, Constraints, and Product Specifications steps of the project.

This makes it easy to update a definition (such as "Ore Materials") in many places at once.




To create Parcel Subset:

  1. Go to Reserves tab > Data panel > gear icon > Parcel Subsets dialog.

  2. Press the green plus button to create a new parcel subset.

  3. Click in the name field and rename the subset to "Ore".

  4. Tick all ore materials in the parcel list.

  5. Press OK to finish.

  6. Repeat for other parcel groups.

Configuring Parcel Subsets



To use Parcel Subset:

  1. In the schedule logic setup steps, when configuring parcels to be included in the certain rule, instead of manually ticking specific parcels, in the <All Parcels> drop down select one of the preconfigured Parcel Subsets.

Mutex Parcel Subsets

Mutex (mutually exclusive) parcel subsets can be referenced in the Swell Factors and Haulage Configurations steps of the project.

They can be used to map all parcels into a simpler category set (ore type, rock type, weathering type, etc) to reduce data entry in the project setup. 

Mutex Parcel Subsets are also accessible in Reports to allow reporting by the specific categories of materials.



To create a Mutex Parcel Subset

  1. Go to Reserves tab > Data panel > gear icon > Mutex Parcel Subsets dialog. 

  2. Press the green plus button to create a new mutex subset.

  3. Click in the name field and rename the subset to "Haulage".

  4. Categorise each parcel in the project into "Ore" or "Waste" for payload entry purposes. 

  5. Press OK to finish.


To use Mutex Parcel Subset:

  1. Go to Setup > Haulage Configurations > Haulage Materials.

  2. Select "Haulage" from the dropdown list. 

  3. Instead of entering payloads for every single material type, ATS will now accept ore and waste. 

Stockpile Mutex Subsets


To create a Stockpile Mutex Subset

  1. Go to Setup > Stockpiles > Stockpile Mutex Subsets.

  2. Press the blue plus button to add a new subset. 

  3. Click in the name field and rename the subset to "Regions". 

  4. Click in the Subset Name column to categorise each stockpile name by region. 

  5. Press the blue play icon to finish. 


To use Stockpile Mutex Subset:

Find required Stockpile Mutex Subsets in the reporting fields.