APS Bench Offsets

APS Bench Offsets

Bench Offsets may be used to force a delay and minimum or maximum vertical lag between phases. 

Setup > Bench Offsets

To add a Bench Offset:

  • Press the blue plus icon to add a new rule group.

  • Rename the rule group (i.e. mining rules, backfill rules, land-bridge rules).

  • Using the tree hierarchy on the right, select the successor record and double click on the predecessor.

  • Set the delay in hours.

  • Set the Vertical Offset in metres:

    • Negative to keep the successor elevated over the predecessor

    • Positive to keep the predecessor elevated over the successor

  • Verify the dependencies in the Preview panel.

Every bench at elevation (E) in the Successor stage is made dependent on the bench at elevation (E+Offset) in the Predecessor stage. Offsets may be positive or negative.