PS. Build Targets

PS. Build Targets

The Build Targets allows the user to enter stockpile grade targets, including upper and lower limits for each stockpile build over the duration of the schedule. It's enabling users to set build targets within the selected scenario, without having to create multiple copies of the project for different targets to analyze different scenarios.

The Build Targets consists of three main parts. How to configure and use each of them is described below:

Stockpiles List

Lists all the stockpiles, whose target grades data will be shown in the table on the right.

To add a new stockpile:

  1. Go to the Stockpiles setup step and select a stockpile from a list.

  2. Make sure that the Mutex Group “<Single>” and Target Type “Build” are set for it.

Setup tab > Stockpiles step > “Single” Mutex Group and “Build“ Target Type

3. Next, go to the Flow Optimisation setup step, and in the Configure dialogue, tick the relevant stockpile and grades fields you wish to show in the Build Grade Target table.

Setup tab > Flow Optimisation step > Stockpile Grade Target type > flag stockpile and grades fields

4. Press OK and run the Setup Tasks.

5. Next go to the Schedule Tab and go to the Build Targets tab.

6. In the Stockpile list, your new stockpile will be added. Select it and review the Category panel records and enter your stockpile grade targets for each build.

Category List

The Category list is a hierarchy of material grades parcels, the targets for which you can now edit in the table on the right.

Build Targets table

The Build Targets table contains several user-configurable fields arranged by stockpile build number.

The Build Number is set in the Stockpile Build Settings step, in the Maximum Number of Builds column. See here for more details.

Build Targets table fields

By default, the editable material grade fields are set to zero values. Edit them according to your project requirements.

Content Deviation Penalty

A relative content deviation penalty imposed on the transaction The penalty affects the priority of the activity in the transactions list. Priority will always be given to higher revenue transactions and setting penalties will lower their priority order.

Upper Extreme

The critical high value of the grade. To reach it the fleet and other site items should be used at the maximum output.

Upper Bound

The final weighted-average grade shouldn’t be above this value, as it will over-use the fleet and other site items.


Target grade for the selected parcel.

Lower Bound

The final weighted-average grade shouldn’t be below this value.

Lower Extreme

The critical low value of the grade.


Actual stockpile builds material grade.