22/4/2021 New 20.5 Release

22/4/2021 New 20.5 Release

22/4/2021 New 20.5 Release

Alastri is pleased to announce the release of its latest versions of software.

Alastri Production Scheduler 20.5.673


  • Script Extensions

    • It is now possible in RecordShadingContext when creating custom shadings/labels:

      • Display period name for a give period date

      • Show quantity that went to each destination

      • Display the first and last scheduled period for each separate activity on a blast solid

      • Access items in the Extension Parameters setup task


Rapid Reserver 20.5.673

Bug Fixes

  • Reporting

    • Fixed an error occurring when attempting to export a Parcel report in some cases.


Spatial Conformetrics 20.5.673

No specific changes for this release


Alastri Tactical Scheduler 20.5.673

No specific changes for this release


Haul Infinity 20.5.673

No specific changes for this release