PS Delays

PS Delays

Delays represent periods of time where equipment is not doing the primary function it was designed to do – i.e., drilling, loading, hauling.

Setup > Delays.

To add a Delay:

  1. Press the blue plus icon.

  2. Select the Name field and rename it – i.e. Crib Break.

  3. Set delay configuration as per table definitions below.






Name of the delay.

Is Considered Available

Ticked - The delay duration will count towards Available Time.

Unticked - The delay duration will count towards Down Time.

Equipment Moved

Ticked - Equipment will disappear from the animation during the delay.

Unticked - Equipment will appear grey in the animation throughout the delay.

Power Type

On - Equipment is not powered off during the delay.

Off - Equipment is powered off during the delay.


The color which will be used to represent the delay on the Gantt chart.

The order of Delays in this list, impacts how overlapping delays are reported. Higher ranking delays will be reported before lower ones.