PS On Bench

PS On Bench

On Bench dependencies allow the user to set dependencies between blocks on a bench. There are options to use automatic dependencies, manually created dependencies, or a combination of the two.

Setup > On Bench.

Creating On Bench dependencies on dumps reduces processing time. As mining blocks are manually selected by the user there is no requirement to create dependencies for the Reserves.

Auto Rule Type


Auto Rule Type



No automatic dependencies will be created.


Dependencies will be created pointing the opposite of direction specified, with more than one block is available at once.

Bearing Strict

Dependencies will be assigned such that the blocks will be released to honour the direction specified, while only one block will be available at once.


Dependencies will be created branching out from the start point(s) created by the user, while more than one block will be available at once. Both AND and OR dependency types are supported.

Branching Strict

Dependencies will be assigned such that only one block is available at once and will be extracted in order of shortest distance from the starting point.


Same as Branching, but the start points include any blocks marked as ramp shots, and dependencies for trim shots are automatically created.

Blasts Strict

Same as Blasts, but only one block is available at any one time.


Uses the dependencies assigned on the lift below or flitch above.

To clear dependencies right click at the bench or parent level and select an option.

Draw Dependencies

Press the Draw Dependencies  icon to drag manual dependencies between blocks.

Setup > On Bench

Example manual dependency sequence drawn across the lift, 

Dependencies can also be created by clicking the successor, clicking all predecessors, and then clicking back on the successor to finish. 

Delete Manual Dependencies

Manual dependencies can be deleted by selecting the red arrow and pressing the Delete key.